Top 5 Reasons Why My Hair Is Falling Out, Reasons For Hair Loss


Losing hair every day is an entirely normal occurrence and each day we lose anywhere between 50 and 100 hairs. More extreme hair loss, however, should always be evaluated by a medical professional, because it could be an indicator of something more serious.

Whilst men are more likely to experience hair loss, it can be an emotive issue for women as well. There are a number of reasons why it can occur, from simple vitamin deficiencies to a side effect of more complex health issues. The good news is that hair thinning and hair loss can be treated, both in men and women, in many cases.


The most common cause of hair loss is all due to faulty genes, which can be passed down on both sides of the family. This type of hair loss develops slowly, with initial thinning often beginning during early adulthood. Hair loss can be slowed down by applying medication to the scalp daily, and this has been proven to be effective in both men and women.

Telogen Effluvium

This broad term covers the hair loss that many individuals experience after a period of extreme stress, dramatic weight loss, major surgery or pregnancy. In these cases, individuals will usually notice this heightened hair loss when brushing, washing or styling their hair, in extreme cases losing handfuls at a time.

This type of hair loss can also occur when taking certain types of medication, including beta blockers and antidepressants, and it can be quite an alarming and emotional experience. Hair loss related to stress can be difficult to treat, and working towards reducing overall levels of anxiety is the most successful approach.

Medication related hair loss can be combatted by discussing a reduced dose with a medical professional.

Iron Deficiency

Individuals experiencing an iron deficiency won’t have enough red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and ensuring the body has enough energy to complete its daily tasks. People suffering with anaemia typically experience weakness and fatigue, but may also have poor circulation and experience hair loss.

In these hair loss cases, increasing consumption of foods with a high iron content such as leafy greens, beans and fish can help ease symptoms dramatically.

It’s also important to increase intake of foods with high levels of Vitamin C, because this increases the body’s ability to absorb iron. Men should consume 8mg of iron each day, with women needing 18mg daily.


The thyroid is responsible for producing the hormone that regulates metabolism and heart rate, as well as hair, skin and nail growth. Thyroid disease is more common than you may initially think, with sufferers experiencing changes in the way their bodies work.

The thyroid may produce too little or too much of this key hormone, and although hair loss can be a symptom in either case, medication can regulate hormone levels and ease all symptoms.

Scalp Skin Conditions

There are a number of skin issues that can affect the scalp, from fungal infections to psoriasis, which may result in increased hair loss. Each condition will have a different cause, with hair loss from psoriasis typically caused by an increase in cell turnover.

This can usually be easily treated with light therapy, prescription shampoo, or medication.