Top 5 Reasons Why My Hair Is Falling Out, Reasons For Hair Loss

Losing hair every day is an entirely normal occurrence and each day we lose anywhere between 50 and 100 hairs. More extreme hair loss, however, should always be evaluated by a medical professional, because it could be an indicator of something more serious.

Whilst men are more likely to experience hair loss, it can be an emotive issue for women as well. There are a number of reasons why it can occur, from simple vitamin deficiencies to a side effect of more complex health issues. The good news is that hair thinning and hair loss can be treated, both in men and women, in many cases.


The most common cause of hair loss is all due to faulty genes, which can be passed down on both sides of the family. This type of hair loss develops slowly, with initial thinning often beginning during early adulthood. Hair loss can be slowed down by applying medication to the scalp daily, and this has been proven to be effective in both men and women.

Telogen Effluvium

This broad term covers the hair loss that many individuals experience after a period of extreme stress, dramatic weight loss, major surgery or pregnancy. In these cases, individuals will usually notice this heightened hair loss when brushing, washing or styling their hair, in extreme cases losing handfuls at a time.

This type of hair loss can also occur when taking certain types of medication, including beta blockers and antidepressants, and it can be quite an alarming and emotional experience. Hair loss related to stress can be difficult to treat, and working towards reducing overall levels of anxiety is the most successful approach.

Medication related hair loss can be combatted by discussing a reduced dose with a medical professional.

Iron Deficiency

Individuals experiencing an iron deficiency won’t have enough red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and ensuring the body has enough energy to complete its daily tasks. People suffering with anaemia typically experience weakness and fatigue, but may also have poor circulation and experience hair loss.

In these hair loss cases, increasing consumption of foods with a high iron content such as leafy greens, beans and fish can help ease symptoms dramatically.

It’s also important to increase intake of foods with high levels of Vitamin C, because this increases the body’s ability to absorb iron. Men should consume 8mg of iron each day, with women needing 18mg daily.


The thyroid is responsible for producing the hormone that regulates metabolism and heart rate, as well as hair, skin and nail growth. Thyroid disease is more common than you may initially think, with sufferers experiencing changes in the way their bodies work.

The thyroid may produce too little or too much of this key hormone, and although hair loss can be a symptom in either case, medication can regulate hormone levels and ease all symptoms.

Scalp Skin Conditions

There are a number of skin issues that can affect the scalp, from fungal infections to psoriasis, which may result in increased hair loss. Each condition will have a different cause, with hair loss from psoriasis typically caused by an increase in cell turnover.

This can usually be easily treated with light therapy, prescription shampoo, or medication.

Hair Loss Combs, Do They Actually Work?

Thousands of people suffer from hair loss each year. For some, the hair is simply thinning because of age, while others will notice bald patches on the crown or receding hair so the forehead appears larger. This can be very upsetting but there are treatments available such as hair-loss laser hair combs.

These use low-level laser beams on the scalp to stimulate growth so that you will see thicker hair. They work for just about everyone and have no side effects. This ensures that they are also suitable for people who may have had an adverse reaction to lotions that you massage into the scalp. The power level is merely a vibration so is harmless but effective although some people notice a tingling feeling. These laser combs have been used by salons and hair clinics for many years and other low-level laser treatments have been employed by scientists and doctors for some time.

Easy and effective


The combs are easy to use and are quick and effective. You simply need to run them through your hair for about 10 minutes once or twice a week. Some people may see results after just a few treatments but it will take between five to 10 weeks for better hair growth, on average. Laser hair combs work on the entire scalp and can be used with other treatments, such as lotions, although it they are best used in isolation.

There are several products on the market which have different features so it pays to read up on a few of them to see which one is best for you.

Different brands to try

One of the best-known is the Hairmax Laser Comb Pro 12 which delivers 12 laser beams to your scalp to reduce hair loss and boost new growth for men and women. It is rechargeable so no batteries are required.

The Wellay Home Hair Laser uses 21 low-powered lasers to stimulate health growth. This lightweight comb claims to stop hair loss in 85 per cent of users with noticeable hair growth in about 12 weeks.


A low-budget option is the Power Grow Hair Loss Laser Treatment comb which is a vibrating model with some users noticing new hair growth in just three weeks. There is a red light to stimulate the deepest part of the scalp and a blue light to regenerate hair, while the laser nourishes the roots to make the hair thicker. The vibrations increase blood flow in the scalp to further boost hair growth.

The Hair Max LaserComb Advanced 7 was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2007 and its advanced laser diode technology is said to improve hair growth. This can be used to treat various forms of hair loss in men and women.

Some products use infra-red heat to stimulate new growth, while others are designed as a cap instead of a brush or comb. Hair loss laser combs are simple and quick to use and, as such, definitely merit consideration.

Top 5 Best Hair Loss Shampoos For 2015

The media is full of images of people with thick glossy hair, as a full head of hair is considered to represent health and vitality. While we all know that thick shiny hair does not equate good health and happiness, hair loss can be extremely upsetting for men and women alike. If you have a history of male or female pattern baldness in your family, there is a chance that you will also be affected, while illness, stress, hormone imbalances and vitamin deficiencies can also cause loss of hair.

Any treatment will be most effective if you act as soon as you notice a problem. A visit to your GP will help to eliminate hormone problems or vitamin deficiencies. Take a good look at your diet. Is it balanced and high in fruit, vegetables, protein and healthy oils? A healthy diet is a good place to start, as is limiting the use of styling products, heated appliances and harsh chemical colourants, if relevant.

Once you have eliminated medical causes, you will probably start to do a bit of research about hair loss shampoos, which are a very cost effective way of tacking the problem. Some will have ingredients designed to stimulate the scalp, such as caffeine. There are also herbal remedies, such as saw palmetto, and ingredients that can help to thicken the appearance of your hair, such as biotin. Others are aimed at particular age groups or gender. These shampoos can be very effective in thickening and improving the condition of your hair in the case of mild hair loss, but be wary of any that promise miraculous regrowth and baldness reversal.

Many of the shampoos on sale say they help to block DHT. DHT is the abbreviation of dihydrotestosterone, a testosterone-based hormone. Higher levels of DHT are known to block hair growth, particularly in male pattern baldness. There are ingredients, including saw palmetto, which can possibly inhibit the production of DHT, thus slowing down hair loss. Anecdotally saw palmetto can make a big difference to some people; however, if you are looking for a clinically-trialled DHT blocker, you will need to look at finasteride, which is available on private prescription from your GP, and minoxidil (Regaine), which can be bought over the counter.

What should you look for in a shampoo? Firstly, take a look at the ingredients. If you have suffered from skin reactions in the past, it might be worth considering a more ‘natural’ product. You will want to find something that will help to give your hair a thicker look, improve its condition and nourish your scalp. Some shampoos are designed for particular hair types or specifically for men or women.

There are lots of shampoos on the market, but we have rounded up five that we think are worth a look at and are aimed at both men and women. Hair loss shampoos are not outrageously expensive and if you buy one and it does not seem to work for you, you can easily move on to the next.

Nioxin three-step system
Nioxin produces six ‘systems’ aimed at different hair loss and thinning issues, with System 2 designed specifically for thinning hair. The three-step systems contain a cleanser (shampoo), followed by a scalp revitaliser (conditioner) and a treatment. The cleanser is designed to remove residue from the scale and help to provide thicker-looking hair. The revitaliser is a lightweight conditioner to improve texture and appearance, and the treatment, which is applied after the first two steps, contains antioxidants and botanicals to refresh the scalp.

Avalon Biotin B-Complex Therapy Thickening Shampoo
This shampoo, from organic beauty company Avalon, contains biotin and saw palmetto, which are believed to help with thinning hair. The manufacturer says that the shampoo helps to build body, stimulates the scale, strengthens hair and boosts volume. Avalon also produces a Biotin B-Complex Therapy Conditioner. Avalon products avoid harsh chemicals and don’t include synthetic fragrances or colours, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, sodium methyl sulphate, or any other chemical additives that might irritate the skin. This is a good choice if you want to avoid chemicals and synthetics.

Pura d’Or Hair Loss Prevention Therapy Shampoo
Another organic, natural product, Pura d’Or shampoos contain argan oil. This is a very popular ingredient in hair care products, as it helps to improve the condition and strength of your hair. Hair Loss Prevention Therapy Shampoo is free from the harsh chemicals that are known to irritate skin and is packed full of natural oils such as argan, pumpkin and rosemary and herbs such as lavender, ylang-ylang and saw palmetto. The shampoo works by providing essential nutrients to the hair follicles to reverse any signs of damage and start the healing process. Biotin strengthens the hair strands, while niacin improves the circulation and Pura d’Or’s unique DHT Blocker Blend encourages healthy hair growth.

DS Laboratories Revita Shampoo
The DS Laboratories Revita shampoos ‒original Revita shampoo and now Revita LT for blonde and other light shades ‒are designed to preserve hair, avoid shedding and maintain scalp vitality. They include anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-hormonal agents including caffeine, carnitine tartrate, ketoconazole, zinc and apple polyphenol, which are believed to stimulate the scalp, prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

Regenepure DR Hair Loss & Scalp Treatment
US-based Regenepure specialises in hair loss treatments and products. The DR Hair Loss & Scalp Treatment is a sulphate-free treatment suitable for men and women. Regenepure DR is a doctor-recommended hair loss treatment designed for all hair types and contains the antifungal ingredient ketoconazole, which may help to block the production of the hair growth-curbing hormone DHT. Cleansing ingredients such as saw palmetto extract cleanse away impurities and toxins while nourishing the hair from root to tip. It also combats dandruff and build up on the scalp, while other ingredients such as emu and jojoba oils add moisture, shine, volume and suppleness to thin and lifeless hair. Regenepure DR hair loss shampoo is free from parabens and sulphates, which is good news for the sensitive skin of the scalp.

What Are Dry Shampoos?

The concept of a dry shampoo is not entirely new. In fact, it has been around since the Victorian days when gentlemen powdered their wigs with arrowroot, and modern products work along the same lines. Recently, it has started to make a real comeback amongst women, particularly those with busy lifestyles and little time for shampooing. It has also become part of men’s haircare routines.

Dry shampoo sales are now reported to account for around a fifth of all shampoo sales, which goes to show how popular it has become in recent years. One in five dry shampoo sales is made to men, which highlights its increasing popularity and practicality for both sexes. Celebrity hairdresser Andrew Barton reveals that the increase in demand for dry shampoo is also part of the boom in male grooming. In addition to dry shampoo, men are also said to be using hair straightening irons and conditioning masks more often to give their look an edge.

Dry shampoo actually became commercially available in the 1960s and 70s with the US brand Psssst! purporting to be amongst the first to appear on the market. Its popularity waned after that, but dry shampoos have been making a resurgence again, particularly as haircare experts are claiming that daily washing can strip the hair of too much natural oil. They seem to be championing the idea that washing just a few times a week is better for the overall condition of the hair. Dry shampoo is not meant to serve as a replacement for wet shampooing; instead, it serves as a means of lengthening the time between washes and making your salon style last longer.

What is dry shampoo?

Dry shampoo’s main ingredient is in powdered form, whether that be talc, silica or a starch. It is designed to work without water and is available in the form of either a loose powder or an aerosol spray. It can be sprinkled or sprayed onto the hair depending on the type used. Dry shampoo absorbs excess oils and dirt from the root of the hair up and can either be blotted or brushed to keep hair looking and smelling good. It is ideal for those who are strapped for time but cannot afford to let their haircare routines slip entirely. Many women love the product, and men are also starting to jump on the dry shampoo bandwagon. Adding this to your grooming routine can save a fair amount of time. Many brands sell variants aimed specifically at men, often with scents similar to those of aftershave, making it easy to know which ones to buy.


They are available in a range of colours, and some even have volumising agents. Dry shampoos can be used for a quick root touch-up or even as a styling product.

Top products on the market

There are a number of dry shampoos on the market, but several stand out from the rest for various reasons. Not all dry shampoos have been created equal!

First, Garnier Volume Extend Instant Bodifier Dry Shampoo boasts fruity and bright-smelling credentials whilst also promising to keep hair suitably refreshed for 24 hours. Containing a blend of orange citrus and grape extract, this dry shampoo should be sprayed into flat hair and combed or brushed through to absorb oil. It instantly eliminates weight and refreshes your volume day or night.

batiste-dry-shampooBatiste Dry Shampoo is available either travel size or full size for convenience and to cater for different occasions. It is also comes in XXL volume and dark hair variants and purports to be the UK’s number one dry shampoo for a reason. With various scents, sizes and different levels of volume, the product allows for a completely customisable dry shampoo experience that is especially tailored to meet individual requirements. A quick burst can extend your blow dry, free up time in the morning or add life to your hair whenever and wherever it needs it. The Batiste brand is also popular amongst men, with many male models reportedly walking down the runway during New York Fashion Week with it in their hair.

Meanwhile, Dove Refresh+Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo claims to leave no white residue on the hair and also carries a low price point and no fuss as its points of differentiation. This dry shampoo is easy to spray on the hair, and its minimalistic white packaging means that it blends in with other products in your bathroom cabinet. With just a few sprays, Dove Refresh+Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo claims to leave hair beautiful, healthy and full of body. Directions for use are easy to follow; simply shake the can vigorously, lift sections of dry hair and spray into roots from 25cm, massage into roots to absorb oil evenly, and brush through and style as normal.

One product that is particularly noteworthy is label.m Brunette Dry Shampoo, which uses a natural rich starch to disperse oil and professes to be a backstage favourite. It works as a matt texturiser, leaving the hair soft and velvety to the touch. Supplied in aerosol form, the dry shampoo should be applied evenly to the hair, concentrating on the roots, and then brushed out after two to three minutes to avoid excess build-up. The subtle brown color it adds to the hair also helps to conceal bald spots on the head.

Finally, Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk also rates highly amongst consumers. Slightly pricier than other dry shampoos, it is light in texture and has a mild, pleasant fragrance that does not overwhelm you during the day. Klorane dry seboregulating shampoo, which features nettle extract, can be worn anywhere. It claims to clean hair in one single stroke, enabling you to wash it less often. As a result of its seboregulating properties, it can absorb any excess sebum that is found in the hair to leave it looking clean and fresh, with both bounce and volume restored. In tests, 86 per cent of users appreciated the product’s ability to reduce sebum secretion on the scalp.

Mens Rogaine Minoxidil vs Kirkland Minoxidil

Hair loss can happen to men and women for a variety of reasons. It can be caused by heredity, a vitamin deficiency, illness or stress. Some hair treatments, such as hot oil treatments or pulling a pony tail excessively tightly, can also cause your hair to fall out.

There are some factors that can increase the likelihood of losing your hair or experiencing thinning hair. One big factor is your family history. If your father had a bald patch or lost his hair prematurely, you and his other male descendants have an increased chance of hair loss. Hair also thins with age or because of a poor diet.

If you notice your hair falling out, there are several things you can do to encourage new hair growth.

An easy and very effective way to stimulate hair regrowth is by using a topical product that can be applied directly to the scalp.

These products often contain an ingredient called minoxidil, which can aid hair growth in men and women. Minoxidil was developed in the 1950s by the Upjohn Company to treat ulcers. Although it proved ineffective for that purpose, studies showed unexpected hair growth. Further tests were carried out, and Upjohn patented the drug for the prevention of hair loss.

In 1985, Upjohn prepared a study for the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on baldness treatment with 2 per cent minoxidil. Three years later, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved the drug under the trade name of Rogaine for treating baldness in men.

In the 1990s, Upjohn made the drug available for women; this version can also be bought over-the-counter in the US. It is now available with 5 per cent minoxidil.

In the mid-1990s, the FDA allowed generic forms of minoxidil to be made available. Although Rogaine was the first to patent the ingredient for hair loss, it now had competition from other companies.

In 1995, Upjohn merged with Pharmacia and subsequently became part of Pfizer, which is now one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

In 2006, Rogaine was bought from Pfizer by the multinational company Johnson & Johnson, which also bought a mousse version of the liquid that has proved to be more popular.

In 2011, the Rogaine Minoxidil Foam became unscented so that people cannot deduce someone is using the product because of its scent. They will only notice it when they see thicker-looking hair.

How does Rogaine compare to its rivals, such as Costco’s private label brand, Kirkland?

Rogaine says it is the number one dermatologist-recommended brand for restoring hair. It has been in production for more than 20 years and helped more than 20,000 men and women in clinical trials.

The Rogaine Foam version has been proven to help hair growth in men who use it twice daily for four months.

Rogaine products have been used by millions of customers in their quest to improve their head of hair.

Are there any possible side effects?

Most people can use these products without any side effects, although some have said they experienced itching or found a rash on their skin.

Less common side effects include a burning sensation on the scalp, skin becoming more red, facial swelling, facial hair growth, and even an increase in hair loss in some cases.

Anyone who experiences these or any other unusual symptoms after using minoxidil products is advised to consult their doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

How do Rogaine products work?

Rogaine products work in two ways: they revitalise hair follicles and help the hair to regrow. The active ingredient, minoxidil, reinvigorates the follicles that have shrunk because of hair loss.

By applying Rogaine Foam twice a day every day, minoxidil penetrates the scalp. During the first fortnight, users might find they are shedding their thin, older hairs. This is good because it makes way for the new hair.

Minoxidil works by increasing the hair follicles’ size, thus allowing for thicker hair to grow through.

In the first four months, the early growth may be soft and users might not see new hair. Most people will see growth coming through if they continue to use the product.

According to Rogaine’s official website, nearly nine out of every ten men experienced hair regrowth after four months of use.

After those four months are up, customers need to continue using Rogaine twice a day to maintain these results.

Rogaine is easy to apply. Just put half a capful of foam on your fingers, part your hair and apply the foam to the areas that are thinning. Use your fingers to massage the product over the patches showing hair loss. The foam is quickly absorbed and is not noticeable. It is also a very affordable product.

On the other hand, generic products are very similar to the brand names and can be significantly cheaper. For example, Kirkland Minoxidil is available as a foam and a solution.

As a generic alternative, it is cheaper than many of its branded rivals. However, users need to apply the product for between 12 and 14 months to achieve best results. Afterwards, the treatment needs to be continued to prevent hair loss recurring.

The foam has proved more popular than the liquid because it is easier to apply and dries more quickly. Some people use both versions, applying the foam in the morning because it is quicker to dry and then using the liquid at night.

Many people have found the results are similar to the branded, more expensive products and have switched to Kirkland, which is marketed in the US by Costco, because it saves money.

Kirkland’s website claims it is on the way to becoming the most popular minoxidil brand in the UK and has made hair loss treatment accessible to many people who thought treatment was beyond their reach financially. Kirkland’s products cost around half as much as the branded names.

Ultimately, the product you choose to buy might be down to personal preference because they all have similar effects.

Top 10 Thickening Tips For Mens Thinning Hair

Male hair loss is very common and is experienced by around 50% of men by the time they reach the age of 50. Despite the most common reason for thinning hair being hereditary, many men still want to keep control and slow the process if they can. We have some tips to help.

1. Wash it off

Many men are concerned that the process of washing their hair and lathering shampoo will speed the thinning process by actually washing the hair away; in fact, regular, gentle washing can make the hair look thicker and healthier, as dirty, greasy hair is heavy and flat and consequently any gaps are more easily visible.

Think about how you wash your hair. Use a frequent use shampoo and watch the temperature of the water.
If this is too hot, you risk drying out the scalp and exacerbating conditions such as dandruff.

Caffeine shampoos can stimulate growth directly at the root of the hair and can work is as little as two minutes.

2. Big it up

The shelves of hairdressers, supermarkets and chemists are full of speciality shampoos and other hair products that promise to thicken your hair and add body. Do they actually work? In the short term the answer is ‘yes’, thanks to special polymers to plump up the shaft of the hair and give it a fuller appearance. The effect is not permanent, however, and you need to use the products regularly.

There are also concealers available that give a thicker look instantly while maintaining a natural appearance. Made with natural fibres, they are applied to the hair and add instant body by bonding to each hair individually, disguising thinning areas even at close inspection.

Brands are getting smarter all the time and now come in a range of colours to allow you to find a close, natural match to your own colour.

3. Careful styling

Wet-look gels are long gone in the fashion stakes, which is good news for style-conscious men worried about thinning hair; however, waxes are still in vogue for many styles. Avoid these heavy styling products if you can, as they just weigh the hair down and make it look flat, with a similar effect to not having washed it as explained above.

Instead, try a volumising mousse designed to lift the hair at the root.

4. A lot of hot air

A gentle blow-dry is one of the best ways to add volume and disguise thinning; however, as with washing, watch the temperature. If the setting is too hot, the air will damage your hair and make it brittle and prone to splitting or breaking.

Depending on your style, allowing your hair to dry naturally might be the best option.

5. Gentle brushing

Leave your comb at home. Constant combing or brushing will undo any styling you have done; in fact, many products these days are designed to brush out. Try to avoid the temptation to check your hair throughout the day; however, if you must, use your fingers only and avoid constant ‘playing’.

6. Don’t rough it up

Be gentle after washing. Hair is up to three times weaker when wet, meaning that rough drying with a towel can be damaging.

7. A cut above

Don’t underestimate the power of a good cut. Although it can be tempting to grow your hair to give the appearance of having more, in reality a shorter cut is almost certainly going to be more flattering. Leave your parting where it always was, and avoid a ‘comb-over’ at all costs!

A classic cut will always look good, or an unstructured chop can work depending on your thinning. Having a definite style will make your hair look thicker and will focus attention on your face.

Discuss your style with your barber, who might be able to offer some clever cutting techniques to add texture and give the illusion of thickness.

8. Leave your hat on

There is no shortage of coverage in the media at the moment about the damage sun exposure can do to your skin. Burning your scalp is included in this for all the same reasons and more besides. It can make the hair brittle and can also change the follicles to a shedding phase from a growth one.

If you know you are going to be out in the sunshine for any length of time, take a cap or hat with you and don’t be afraid to wear it!

9. Diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can do so much for your general wellbeing. Your hair is no exception and recent research suggests that soya can produce a molecule during digestion that could slow the process of balding, with the molecule actually blocking the hormonal effect that triggers loss of hair.

Protein is important for healthy, strong hair, and an easy way to increase protein intake is through eggs, nuts, fish and beans. A range of vitamins and minerals will also help, so eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Following a balanced diet should show positives for your hair in thickness and texture in a matter of just a few weeks.

10. Lifestyle

A well-publicised fact is that smoking is bad for you and can be detrimental to various elements of your wellbeing. Specific to hair loss, smoking can contribute to hormonal changes. Smoking is also known to constrict the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the body and to the scalp. Without the right nutrients reaching your scalp, your hair won’t grow properly.

Many people have tried home remedies and although their success is not established, many swear by them. Depending upon your situation, it might be worth giving one or two a go.

For years people have been using oil to condition their hair. Castor oil and olive oil are the most popular, although you need to be very thorough when washing and rinsing to avoid the oil slick look!

Try several solutions until you find the right one for you, and be aware that the solution may change over time.